ND Pharma & Biotech, will launch a B2C line with the novel product ALKIOW TM, a totally mineral and healthy compositions that will permit to any kind of population to transform water, (tap, current or bottled) into ALKALINE IONIZED WATER anyplace, anywhere with the only help of some teardrops, getting instant Ionized Alkaline Water.
The new channel will be ready to the end of Spring 2012 and will represent a total revolution in the water markets and water consumption worldwide. ND Pharma & Biotech expansion director Dr. Gary Evans remarks that the new channel is people-oriented to let anyone to get access to ALKALINE IONIZED WATER as a source of health and wellness in easy way, at affordable prices, letting all kind of populations and countries to reach the multiple and varied benefits of ALKALINE IONIZED WATER. Representatives of the B2B Channel of the company signaled that this product is beating sales worldwide as major manufacturers are introducing the ALKALINE IONIZED WATER in the normal process of manufacturing some foodstuffs including popular sodas and other beverages as the product provides a pH booster and health ionization and structuration of water used in such manufacture to produce more healthy and less oxidant drinks and products. Alkaline Ionized Water healthy effects are well-known and well-described in different sources of information. Please see another of our promotional movie-like promotional video series, this time in english language and fully innovative. You can see directly on multi-media channel YOU TUBE and other social network media channels where we are present. Promotional only. The content of this series does not constitute an offer or invitation to treat. Fully promotional material. images may not constitute any product or endorse any effect on health and disease. For more information, please call us or write us an e-mail to the contact addresses that appear in the Contact section of this Website. Our promotional video series present another ND Innovation production designed for video promotion purposes within the free channel YOU TUBE and other social media network. So watch this preview and enjoy from another fantastic production from our Marketing and Development Team. Welcome to the ND Pharma & Biotech World!, Welcome to Evolution!
For those our followers, please see our newest production about ND Pharma & Biotech work, research and development, as we presented for preview within the public channel YOUTUBE.
Please visit the following link at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz5AQinO_4c&feature=youtu.be ND PHARMA & BIOTECH launched ACQUALIFE TM REACT , a brand new version of its industrial development ACQUALIFE TM, a solution that acts as water transformer reactor able to transform in just one second normal, regular or tap water into ALKALINE IONIZED WATER in any moment desired with just a single application of some drops of the reactor into the water container. In such way, the industrial secret and development used by hundreds of manufacturers and industrialists, is now ready for launch outside the B2B circuit into the main B2C channels within a brand new format and range of applications. The informational brochure is ready to be seen within our website and the following link, where you can see some other informational presentations from our company and products; http://www.slideshare.net/PreserFood/acqualife-tm-react.
Till now, the size and functioning of alkalinizers and water ionizers made impossible to enjoy this type of water without limitation and or in every place unless you transport the alkaline ionized water in a container, something uncomfortable and unpractical, specially if you are keen or need to use large amounts of water. So now the only thing you may need is our special dropper and a small amount of ACQUALIFE TM REACT to transform with single drops gallons of water, mineral, regular or even tap water into superb alkaline ionized water. For mor info call into our phone number and ask for a sales agent near your location. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH ha lanzado ACQUALIFE TM REACT, una nueva versión del desarrollo industrial ACQUALIFE TM, una solución que funciona como transformador reactivo con capacidad para convertir en solo un segundo agua corriente, mineral e incluso agua de red (del grifo) en agua ionizada alcalina en cualquier momento que se desse con la simple aplicación de algunas goras del reactivo en el recipiente que contiene el agua. Así, el secreto industrial y el desarrollo utilizado por cientos de fabricantes y elaboradores industriales, ahora esta preparado para su lanzamiento fuera del canal empresarial y dentro del canal directo al consumidor final con un amplio abanico de indicaciones de uso y aplicaciones. El folleto informativo puede verse en nuestra página web y en el espacio de alojamiento de las presentaciones de la mayoría de nuestros productos que se encuentra en el enlace; http://www.slideshare.net/PreserFood/acqualife-tm-react, donde puedes encontrar información acerca de otros desarrollos y productos de nuestra compañía y la información relativa a los mismos. Hasta el momento, el tamaño y el funcionamiento de los aparatos de ionización y alcalinización del agua, impedían o hacían imposible su disposición para disfrutar del agua ionizada alcalina en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento, de una manera ilimitada y práctica, especialmente por los inconvenientes asociados a su transporte y cuando una cantidad importante de este tipo de agua es necesaria. Ahora lo unico que tienes que hacer es llevarte nuestro gotero especial contigo y con un poco de ACQUALIFE TM REACT transformarás con unas simples gotas, litros y litros de agua, mineral, de la red o incluso del grifo en una super agua alcalina ionizada.Informate llamando a nuestros teléfonos y pregunta por el agente de ventas más cercano a tu localidad de residencia. ND Pharma & Biotech. We Do Science! |
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January 2018