ND PHARMA & BIOTECH LTD. has been confirmed as Registered within the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in pursuing of 21 CFR ( code of Federal Regulations) Part 1, Subpart H, and the Section 305 of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism and Response Act of 2002. P.L. 107-188 and the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.
U.S. FDA Registration number for the Company ND PHARMA & BIOTECH LTD. is 11014342610, and can be encountered on the FDA database under such number. ND PHARMA & BIOTECH has been registered also to provide human & animal food products as well as other related to human health, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, drink preparations, food additives, ingredients, GRAS ingredients an many others. "If you ply for the best Coffee, Tea or Products in the world, and you are willing to pay for it, why do you let suppliers or vendors to ruin such drinks with low quality water, chlorinated, flavored with undesirable chemicals, or just concentrating unacceptable amounts of nitrates after boiling?"
GLAICE WATER Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of ND Pharma & Biotech launched a campaign to let consumers aware about the importance of water in coffee, tea or any other drink making. Within this purpose the campaign will be extensive to manufacturers, suppliers and vendors of quality products, (Coffee, Tea, Herbals, Juices, etc.), and even popular brands of machinery as Nespresso, Tassimo, and others, with the challenge of tasting their own products just replacing the water inside for the #1 Alkaline Ionized Water from Natural Mineral Source, GALICE. As most of the named drinks are mainly made up of water; 98.5% to be more precise, it´s quite easy to imagine the importance of such element within the final result of a perfect coffee/tea. Using the best water, the right one will also helps you in bringing out the best flavors and aromatic experiences as well as hidden notes from your coffee/tea. Especially when the coffe7tea is a quality product, carefully treated, selected and processed to give to you all the possible and enchanting experiences that can arise from it. If someone ask you about the importance of water in coffe, let´s give you some important tips to argue; FRESHNESS Start with the best Water; start with fresh and cold GLAICE! It´s always important to use cold water before you heat it up. Fresh cold water has more oxygen. GLAICE is the real water full of oxygen, so such kind of oxygen will help to extract the flavors and aromas from your drink, coffee/tea, etc. TEMPERATURE Do you know that most of the waters in the world tend to aggregate nitrates when heated? As the water within coffe/tea should have to be at an ideal temperature between 90-95 ºC, (a little below boiling point), this means that most of the existing waters tend to aggregate and concentrate certain chemicals present within making those more detectable and potentially dangerous when ingested. In other hand such elements, as chlorine, aluminium sulphates, and other used by municipal water services to prevent turbidity and undesirable aspect of tap water, will be present in the hot water and certain flavors may ruin your coffee/tea experience. A good way to prevent all this evident and hidden issues, is to use GLAICE in the preparation of coffee/tea, as GLAICE do not contain such elements, and the solutes are micro-fragmented, so after adjusting temperature, you´ll taste the real difference, as will experience drink, coffe/tea as if water does not exist in within. TASTE GLACIE will provide to you with a clean and smooth taste, velvety and soft, that will let the infused element, coffee, tea, chamomile, mint, lemon, etc. to flourish in all its organoleptic splendor, resulting in a drink or coffe that tastes and smells just as it should, with its inherent and intimate goodness coming trough. Get the challenge! Taste the GLAICE! Over 22,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with (BMFS) bone marrow failure syndromes. Environmental, chemical, and genetic factors have been linked to the development of lymphomas, leukemias, and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Additionally, some anti-cancer drugs have been shown to themselves induce DNA damage and secondary cancers. In light of increasing societal exposure to toxic environmental agents that may be carcinogenic, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, or other from processed and/or adulterated foods we face the potential for a rise in the incidence of bone marrow failure and malignancy. In order to better understand leukemia it may be necessary to examine it from the perspective that it is an environmental disease.
ND Pharma & Biotech associated research institutions, are developing and conducting studies in some of this exciting therapy niches in order to understand and develop new targeted therapies. This studies are being conducted from two main perspectives, and by toxicologists who examine the effects of chemicals and the environment on healthy marrow, and hematologists and oncologists who investigate bone marrow abnormalities and malignancies. Thus, there is a clear, unmet need for collaboration between these fields within academia, industry, and government in order to accelerate our investigation and understanding both of basic bone marrow biology and chemically-induced diseases of the marrow. The company will promote future developments as well as existing therapeutic cellular lineages, to find and commercialize new solutions to some of the described conditions, specifically those affecting infants, child and young adult population, the more affected segments of patients. Consisten with this line, the company has received Registration Certificate and Code for the new development called AUTOLOGOUS RETRODIFFERENTIATED PLURIPOTENT HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS INFUSION TREATMENT FOR PATIENTS WITH BONE MARROW DEFICIENCY SYNDROME AND OTHER RELATED DISEASES, including the method for retrodifferentiation of such stem cells described within. This developments will open for sure a new pathway for the future treatment and/or cure of dozens of diseases and conditions associated or related to the Bone Marrow Deficiency Failure Syndrom. |
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January 2018