Work with Us · Be an ND Consultant · National and International Positions
Now you can be part of our world, as ND Consultant.
What is an ND Consultant.
A Consultant is a relevant piece within our organization. It´s a collaborator, with training over the vast majority of our products and services, (both of Industrial use, commercial, B2B or B2C channels and/or any of the different business divisions, companies, etc.) that has his own business representing our brands, products and trademarks. Normally he/she are individual professionals with prior training (academic, scientific, sales, etc) that decided to be part of our organization working in a defined and/or general areas of development, sales, organization etc. They enter to be part of the system, complement their incomes, develop and manage their own business and in most of cases acquire financial independence, to be recognized, both socially and professionally, working at your own pace with all support from our Company and the specialists and sales-force from within the Company.
As ND Consultant you´ll reach another level of training and development with a minimum investment from your side and the never-ending possibilities of an ever-growing company. General and Specialist opportunities are being opened every day all across the world. Europe, Asia, The Americas (with certain exclusions in Latin America), Brazil, India, and emerging markets and countries.
If you´re interested in working with us, please send your resumé, CV and an cover letter to: [email protected]
Referring: ND Consultant *
(Positions actually opened for candidates with prior training in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, etc.) This profiles are our preferred actual candidates for the B2B Channel. Other candidates with training and/or experience in General Sales, Representation, Commercial Skills and/or Self-Directed activities would be considered.
* Intabiotech SLU is a Licensed Company of ND Pharma & Biotech with powers to organize, manage and govern the commercial activities both autonomous and/or on behalf of ND Pharma & Biotech´s Company Limited. to learn more please visit:
The content of this page is not intended to be taken as job offer, invitation to treat and/or employment position. To be an ND Consultant is a thorough process and candidates are scrutinized, validated and approved throughout a complex process prior to accreditation as "Consultant". Therefore, the information submitted does not constitute neither represent an expression of interest from our company on the submitter, nor the inclusion in a shortlist of candidates, neither the accreditation as "ND Consultant" should be taken as a promise of job post, work, financial earnings, profits or benefits of any nature and class. The accreditation as ND Consultant is a condition that candidate may acquire by himself after complete satisfaction of Company requirements, both in full or conditional, to get access to the business development and the possibilities offered within such framework, that will be subjected to the best understood modality of contracting. (Agent, Commercial Representative, Franchise, etc.) in dependence of Candidate´s best expected performance and condition. The Company does not accept any responsibility for failure candidacies neither is obligated to respond or notify to any candidate, information submitter, or enquirer in any way regarding the status of candidates and/or any other circumstance surrounding consideration and option. All information will be considered confidential and treated such. Personal information of candidates, when suitable for other Company subsidiaries, divisions, etc., may be transferred to such operators on the same confidential basis and always on the best interest of Candidates. Any queries regarding candidacy and/or information submitted can be expressed in writing to: [email protected] with express reference to Ref: (Name of applicant) including within the communication complete contact details.
Now you can be part of our world, as ND Consultant.
What is an ND Consultant.
A Consultant is a relevant piece within our organization. It´s a collaborator, with training over the vast majority of our products and services, (both of Industrial use, commercial, B2B or B2C channels and/or any of the different business divisions, companies, etc.) that has his own business representing our brands, products and trademarks. Normally he/she are individual professionals with prior training (academic, scientific, sales, etc) that decided to be part of our organization working in a defined and/or general areas of development, sales, organization etc. They enter to be part of the system, complement their incomes, develop and manage their own business and in most of cases acquire financial independence, to be recognized, both socially and professionally, working at your own pace with all support from our Company and the specialists and sales-force from within the Company.
As ND Consultant you´ll reach another level of training and development with a minimum investment from your side and the never-ending possibilities of an ever-growing company. General and Specialist opportunities are being opened every day all across the world. Europe, Asia, The Americas (with certain exclusions in Latin America), Brazil, India, and emerging markets and countries.
If you´re interested in working with us, please send your resumé, CV and an cover letter to: [email protected]
Referring: ND Consultant *
(Positions actually opened for candidates with prior training in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, etc.) This profiles are our preferred actual candidates for the B2B Channel. Other candidates with training and/or experience in General Sales, Representation, Commercial Skills and/or Self-Directed activities would be considered.
* Intabiotech SLU is a Licensed Company of ND Pharma & Biotech with powers to organize, manage and govern the commercial activities both autonomous and/or on behalf of ND Pharma & Biotech´s Company Limited. to learn more please visit:
The content of this page is not intended to be taken as job offer, invitation to treat and/or employment position. To be an ND Consultant is a thorough process and candidates are scrutinized, validated and approved throughout a complex process prior to accreditation as "Consultant". Therefore, the information submitted does not constitute neither represent an expression of interest from our company on the submitter, nor the inclusion in a shortlist of candidates, neither the accreditation as "ND Consultant" should be taken as a promise of job post, work, financial earnings, profits or benefits of any nature and class. The accreditation as ND Consultant is a condition that candidate may acquire by himself after complete satisfaction of Company requirements, both in full or conditional, to get access to the business development and the possibilities offered within such framework, that will be subjected to the best understood modality of contracting. (Agent, Commercial Representative, Franchise, etc.) in dependence of Candidate´s best expected performance and condition. The Company does not accept any responsibility for failure candidacies neither is obligated to respond or notify to any candidate, information submitter, or enquirer in any way regarding the status of candidates and/or any other circumstance surrounding consideration and option. All information will be considered confidential and treated such. Personal information of candidates, when suitable for other Company subsidiaries, divisions, etc., may be transferred to such operators on the same confidential basis and always on the best interest of Candidates. Any queries regarding candidacy and/or information submitted can be expressed in writing to: [email protected] with express reference to Ref: (Name of applicant) including within the communication complete contact details.