GLAICE WATER is now available at retail stores of the great distribution chain GADIS in Spain. GADIS is a regional company leader in distribution and retail well established within the northwestern region of Spain and some establishment increasing expansion to the central and mid-west areas of Iberian peninsula. With a net average sales and business volume of around 900 M€ (in excess) GADIS is conserving its Galician spirit thru a complete performance and marketing campaigns regionally oriented with a clear sustaining of Galician character and lifestyle. CLAICE WATER, the #1 Worldwide Alkaline Ionized Water is in deep origin (primary source) Galician, as our bottling plant resides within the heart of this evergreen region, at Lugo province, in the rural town of Celtigos, where Fontecelta premises are settled. Now, the association of a typical Galician retail chain and the first worldwide alkaline ionized water, also from such region, is called to be the fist of a long lasting friendship and strategic association for both companies and their brands. This is why we feel welcomed by GADIS and we welcome GADIS also from deep heart of GLAICE WATER Co, and all the associated operators making possible such great innovation and success in the world of bottled waters. Final operational prices will be recommended to let general public to access to this ultra-premium product at a real affordable low cost. We have resigned from an important part of the added value and profit derived from the sale of our product to let general public to enjoy all the benefits, the impressive taste, and the whole world of sensations that GLAICE can apport. To let people to achieve the "Drink Pure Experience", as this is our motto. This is the compromise and concern of our company. This is the real taste of water, as it should be, ever!
So, on behalf of GADIS and The GLAICE WATER Co, be very Welcome to THE DRINK PURE EXPERIENCE. Welcome to GLAICE! ND PHARMA & BIOTECH will arrive Turkish market this summer, commencing to develop agreements with food industry leading companies within the country and influence territories. This important step represents the pinnacle of a period of two years of conversation, strategy planning and exploring the range of possibilities Turkish market is offering to innovative and vanguardists companies like our.
We warmly welcome to our new clients and representatives, and deeply appreciate the efforts and investments made to bring us the best selection of partners and client´s opportunities within this interesting and important market for ND product´s brands. The strongest arrival will be made by our starring product PreserFood TM both MEAT and DAIRY, that are called to have a heavy presence within the huge turkish meat and meat derived foods and the milk and dairy product´s markets respectively. Other important advances will be made in order to establish brand products as well as our #1 Alkaline ionized Water GLAICE. PRESERFOOD TM/ MEAT is the ND Pharma & Biotech revolutionary product used as substitue of sulphytes and sulphite-derived chemicals for meat and meat-derived products. The product, is a "4 in 1" Formula that promotes shelf life extension, anti-microbial protection, nutritional enhancement and flavor maintenance from the first to the last day of useful product´s life. The synergistic formula has been improved and demonstrated stronger effectivity and sustained results agains any other product in the market and comparable results to the sulphite-processed foods and meats with the advantages related against a broadly used chem-tox that is on the edge of regulators cause the public health mid and long-term problems that is causing. Download brochure as Reduced Size File or click here to get access to HD Brochure
MALTOLAN DRM is a soluble dietary fiber digestion-resistant maltodextrin obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from corn starch, with a number of applications within elaborated products from desserts to beverages. Special dry base content +95% and optimum performance are the starring characteristics of this new product development with the guarantee of ND Pharma.
La Compañía ND Pharma & Biotech ha publicado su primer catálogo en formato iBook, que pronto dispondrá de una versión accesible desde Apple Store e iTunes store de manera gratuita. También se distribuye en formato .pdf y .pdf (Reduced Size File) para facilitar su difusión y acceso a todos los clientes e interesados en adquirir una visión global de la Compañía, su actividad y una parte de los desarrollos que lleva a cabo, además de poder completar esta información navegando en las Web Sites de la corporación. En este caso, se detallan en castellano las distintas secciones de productos y servicios que se ofertan. Desde la compañía se cree que este tipo de publicaciones ayudan a que los clientes, existentes, potenciales y prospectivos posean un fuente de información que sea un punto de partida para su interés por nosotros, y abra las puertas de la confianza y colaboración mutuas que se pretende desarrollar e implantar desde la dirección de la compañía, en todos los ámbitos. Descarga el archivo en el enlace adjunto o accede a nuestra publicación online original en alta resolución pinchando aquí
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January 2018